Changes To Our Local Pick Up Option
We wanted to let you know about some changes coming to our local pick up option. As of November 14, 2020 you will notice local pick up will only be available at our Obie’s Worms location on Mondays and Wednesdays.
There are two important reasons for this change:
We want to make sure you get the freshest black soldier fly larvae as possible. We harvest our BSFL fresh every Monday morning and only ship Monday (nationally) and Wednesday (to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & PEI). As we grow and ship out more live feeders to customers and pet stores across the country, we want to make sure our local customers also get the freshest product possible. By changing our pick up days to Monday and Wednesday we are ensuring you are getting our freshest product.
- We are preparing for winter. With winter upon us and temperatures already dropping, we want to make sure you get healthy worms when you pick up your order. While in the past we have placed orders outside for after hours pick up, we are moving away from this to make sure your worms don’t freeze in winter temperatures. Your order will be placed in our Obie’s fridge (which is set to 14º C) for pick up between 10am - 4pm. If you are unable to pick up your order by 4pm, we will place it outside in our mailbox but we cannot guarantee the worms will survive.
We understand that some customers are unable to pick up during these days and times and we are working on being stocked in as many local pet stores as possible. Currently medium and large Obie's Worms are available in the following Pet Stores in the Halifax area:
If you would like your pet store to carry Obie’s Worms, let them know! And let us know what store so we can reach out to them. We will update our store location map on our homepage as we are stocked in more pet stores.
We appreciate your cooperation as we grow, and thank you for supporting Obie’s! If you have any questions, please email us at info@obiesworms.com.