Obie's BSFL products are temporarily out of stock as we transition to our new 108,000sqft facility. THANK YOU to our loyal customers for your continued support. It's your support that means we need a bigger production facility!

Black Soldier Fly Larvae — The Science!

The Black Soldier Fly isn’t just a reptile food that’s environmentally-friendly, toxin-free, and a sustainable source of high-value nutrients with a low environmental impact — it’s also a really cool bug!

Black Soldier Fly

Here are three totally fun facts about Black Soldier Flies:

1. They’re insanely reproductive
Black Soldier Flies can lay up to 600 - 800 eggs at one time! That’s a lot of baby larvae.

2. Their growth-rate is off the chain
After hatching, a BSFL will grow to more than 8,000 times its size in as little as two weeks. Which is the same as a newborn human baby growing to the size of a humpback whole in two weeks! That’s some powerful protein!

3. They never stop eating
BSFL are known for their ability to devour waste. Just one square meter’s worth of BSFL can go through 15 kilograms of waste per day. We only need about 180 square feet of flies to process a TON of organic waste per day. They’re our own personal recycling army :)

    Email us with your Black Solder Fly questions!

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